MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  July 2023

New Plugin: Import / Export

This is a geometry and animation exporter for exporting Max scenes into the glTF Format, a concise and general-purpose runtime format which can be easily integrated into any D3D and OpenGL / WebGL game engines. It has support for geometry, standard and multi-subobject materials, multitextures, procedural textures, skin and physique modifiers, standard bones, biped and CAT animations, UV transforms and much more.

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v1.05 are:
- Adds support for V-RayMax Converter 4
- Adds support for V-Ray Scene Converter
- Adds overwrite protection of proxy files in the V-RayMax Converter
- Adds 'Show textures in viewport' for the FStorm Converter
- Fixes support for nested layers in 'Move to one Layer'
- Adds sorting for the directories list in the Auto-Relink Window
- Fixes the Auto-Relink window resize issue in Win7 with standard theme (no Aero)
- Adds Copy Selected files to clipboard (right-click menu in Max files list)
- Fixes the short right-click menu in the Max files list
- Adds a short right-click menu to the Assets list
- Increases the speed of list views - especially selection in list with a large number of assets
- Fixes the right-click menu from disappearing (lists with a very large number of assets)
- Fixes the listView refreshing issue during resize in Max 2015 and lower
- Fixes the installation message window in newer Max versions
- Fixes automatic activation
- Updates the deactivation process - adds automatic (online) deactivation

Library Track and Relink is available for Max 2010 to 2024 and costs $18. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Lighting

SkyPro for Corona Renderer and Max is a collection of nearly 2600 beautifully crafted presets for Corona Sun, Sky, and Clouds. SkyPro helps you bring your projects to life in a flash with a large range of stunning lighting options, putting an end to manual configurations.

SkyPro for Corona Renderer is available for Max 2021 to 2024 and costs $24.99.

New Plugin: Import / Export

Shapespark is a communication and marketing tool for architecture, allowing architects, designers and archviz professionals to easily present designs and to create realistic visualizations for real-estate marketing projects. It lets clients enter a space and freely walk around to examine every corner and detail, making them feel as if they were there.

Unlike 360 panoramas, the presentation is not limited to a few selected viewpoints and there is no distortion in the corners of the screen. Walkthroughs created with Shapespark leverage HTML5 and WebGL standards and can be opened directly from a web browser - there is no need to install anything. The walkthroughs are lightweight and work even on a phone.

Shapespark is available for Max 2020 to 2024 and costs €540 per year. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Atmospherics / Animation

Changes for v6.0.4 are:
- Adds a new Shape Param node which is similar to Particle Flow's Shape Control
- The Object Param node now displays most of the modifiers as well
- Adds a Constant node to display value in header
- Adds an automatic range option to the Load Cache node
- Adds predefined axes to the Rotate node
- Adds optimizations where there are many particle deletions and creation throughout simulation
- Fixes Cluster by Object not working properly in the Gen on Surface node
- Fixes the Object Params node not setting keys to objects when the animate button was enabled

FumeFX is available for Max 2019 to 2024 and costs $365 per year. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Modelling

Create stunning office spaces with ease using Wallie+, a comprehensive collection of elements designed specifically for creating office interiors using RailClone from Itoo Software. Whether you need walls, doors, glass partitions, or folding walls, Wallie+ has got you covered.
It requires RailClone 6, and the materials are Corona Renderer 9 native.

Wallie+ is available for Max 2021 to 2024 and costs $79. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Particles / Animation

Changes for v1.022 are:
- Adds hardening options to the PhysX Bind operator (bind deformation)
- Adds a 'suppress popups' option to Export Particles general settings
- Adds stepped key tangent mode to Export Particles object export keyframe parameters
- The Terrain Transform operator can now take an object's transform as input
- Holding ESC during license activation will now cancel the request
- Objects inside tyCollections now inherit tyProperties modifiers applied to those collections
- Fixes a regression that stopped tyParticleSkin modifiers loading tyCaches as input particles
- Custom float values are now saved to tyFlow playback cache by default
- Improves spawn operator shape position random distribution uniformity
- Fixes the spawn operator's surface alignment option not working correctly for scaled particles
- Fixes a bug that broke multiplication operations between Quat values in the Script operator
- Improves the algorithm which searches for CUDA DLLs during initialization
- Fixes an issue where Script operator meshes were using 0-based indices for material IDs
- Fixes an issue with enabled global mesh caches and PhysX Collision operators
- Kinematic particles can now be bound together with PhysX binds (kinematic-to-kinematic binds)
- Fixes tyProperties floating-point mass values from being converted to integers internally
- Fixes VRay CPU override materials mistakenly being applied to tyFlows/tyCaches
- The Birth VDB operator is now compatible with the history-independent simulation mode
- Improves the accuracy of the tyParticleSkin element matching search function

tyFlow Pro is available for Max 2018 to 2024 and costs $495. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Atmospherics / Animation

Changes for v6.0.3 are:
- Adds a new Text node where user can set text to the Text shape Max object
- Adds a new String node that allows users to combine multiple strings
- Adds a new Object Properties node to set hide, freeze, renderable, display as box properties
- Adds a new Seed Node that retrieves the particle seed number
- Object List and Object List Ref nodes now have Object output pin that will output all objects
- The Object Info node adds multiple objects and object index
- Adds an option to FumeFX Simple Source to add pressure to the simulation
- Adds an option to FumeFX Geom Source to add pressure to the simulation
- Explosion Gen change: Direction Var is now called Spread and a SpreadVar option has been added
- Adds Color input and Pass input and output pins to Explosion Gen
- Adds Pass input and output pins to Spawn Gen
- Adds a color parameter to Spawn Gen to allow the user to assign color to new particles
- Adds a seed pin to Get Particle Group and Get Properties nodes
- Changes the Group Filter node to now output bool instead of particle
- Adds to NodeWorks windows header Disabled/Interactive/Cache status
- Adds predefined Alignment vectors, X, Y, Z, velocity, etc. to the Orientation node
- Arnold rendering is faster (ca. 10%) when passing velocities to Arnold
- Adds a Display node to display speed in /seconds and /frame
- Speed Convert input in units/s output units/frame
- Vertex Color node: adds a checkbox to display components as color picker
- Adds value display in the node header to the Constant node
- The Location Object and Swarm nodes seed edit control now works properly
- The Gen on Surface node seed value now correctly affects the 'face' option locations
- The Simple Shape Material ID now works properly with Arnold
- The Explosion Gen auto link for vector type no longer goes to Direction instead of Position
- The Random node with integers can now reach max value
- If the cache is missing, Arnold no longer renders a box of smoke
- Fixes the load cache node sometimes displaying particle count as zero
- The Object Param node now updates the simulation if parameter/object is changing
- The Seed node now works even if there are no particles
- Fixes the FFX Wind node name being wrong and defaulting to Object

FumeFX is available for Max 2019 to 2024 and costs $365 per year. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.0.45 are:
- Adds support for Max 2024
- Adds support for Maya 2024
- Fixes a bug that caused problems with Cinema 4D files saved with earlier versions
- Bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements

Laubwerk Plants Kits are available for Max 2015 to 2024 and cost €149 each. A demo version is available here.