MAX News Archive

Archived Plugin News  –  September 2019

New Plugin: Animation

HK Voodoo is a powerful new tool for character animation in Max. You can track and record facial animation in real-time directly inside the Max viewport, or record voice and data on your mobile device. HK Voodoo uses iOS ARKit to track facial expressions and sends that data to the companion HK Voodoo 3ds Max plugin.

HK Voodoo is available for Max 2018 to 2020 and costs $54.99. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Rendering

Changes for v2.6.48 are:
- Fixes an issue where Max thought the scene had changed after startup
- Extends maximum Refraction IOR on the RS Material in Max to 100, matching Maya
- Texture baking in Max now uses 'Dilation' to fill empty space, as we already do in other DCCs
- Post FX parameters are now only stored with the Max scene if Redshift is the current renderer
- Fixes a Maya issue where rendering constrained camera objects did not match the viewport
- Fixes Xgen command-line rendering errors in Maya
- Adds support for TurbulenceFD in Cinema 4D R21
- Fixes a bug in C4D R21 where material manager previews were not updating
- Fixes viewport clipping of RS proxies and volume objects in the Katana viewer
- Adds RenderView customization options for the Region render overlay
- Adds a checkbox in RenderView to apply Color Controls to the alpha channel
- Fixes a RenderView bug where selecting and adjusting the Region overlay was not accurate
- Fixes a RenderView bug where the Pixel Sampler's stored pixels were shown incorrectly
- Fixes a RenderView bug where the Path edit box for Snapshot Configuration was blocked
- Fixes a RenderView bug so Color Controls, Color Management and LUT now save/load correctly
- Adds support for OCIO looks applied to views
- Fixes a bug that could break ray-switch shader logic when custom AOVs were enabled
- Fixes a proxy inefficiency to do with keeping unused textures
- Adds graceful handling of deep AOV memory allocation failures
- Adds a performance improvement when querying meta data for textures

Redshift is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $500. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling / Animation

Changes for v6.2.6.20897 are:
- Adds Arnold hair rendering parameters in Ox Arnold modifier
- Adds support for per-vertex texture coordinates in Arnold render
- Adds an 'Add Root Position Channel' option to the Propagation modifier
- Adds a 'Uniform randomness' parameter to the Propagation modifier
- Adds a new Curler axis parameter
- Adds texture coordinate generation options to the Scatter modifier
- The Edit Guides Control Point influence graph effect now updates correctly
- Fixes a Max crash caused by Oscillator
- Fixes the Detailer producing exploding points with a high smoothing point count
- Using the assign channel button in the Scatter modifier no longer crashes Max
- Fixes the Clump Modifier 'Used Patterns' list not updating properly
- Propagated strands no longer change drastically when frizzed with a non-0 value at root
- Alembic import now imports width values
- Fixes the Frizzer using strand length for the curve diagram when length dependent is on
- Fixes an assertion when the Curler 'length dependent' option is on and strands have 0 length
- Fixes a Scatter assertion when using the input strand width option

Ornatrix is available for Max 2014 to 2020 and costs $599. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Texturing

This is a plugin that works with V-Ray or Corona that allows you to have all of the following colors correctly calibrated in Max:
- RAL (123 colors)
- NCS (1765 colors)
- Pantone Solid Coated / Uncoated (1004 colors)
- Pantone neon and Pastels Coated / Uncoated (210 colors)

It's a tool for a faster and safer workflow in the realization of product design and architecture renderings where the use of standard colors is essential and a real correspondence between renderings, color swatches and profiles is necessary.

ColorsForCGArtists is available for Max 2016 to 2020 and costs €5.

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.3 are:
- Adds an Undo button

miauu's Scalpel is available for Max 2017 to 2020 and costs €9.

Plugin Update: Particles

Changes for v0.16047 beta are:
- Adds an Event Index test to operator filters
- Adds a breadth-first bind-by-ID search to property test
- Adds an 'inflate whole cloth' option to Modify Bindings inflate parameters
- Adds planar distance test options to the Object Test operator
- Adds an option in the Tets operator to assign box-projected UVWs
- Flow Update now has an option to disable Birth Flow ID tracking
- Adds a tyFaceFracture modifier which has equivalent functionality to the Face Fracture operator
- Adds a tyEdgeWeight modifier for procedural assignment of edge weights to an editable poly
- Adds a tyFaceExtrude modifier for procedural face extrusion/scaling
- The tyExtrude modifier has been renamed tySplineExtrude
- tyMesher 'input geometry' mode can now filter matIDs to cull certain pieces of input geometry
- tySpline weld parameters now apply to all knots on a segment, not just matching endpoints
- Adds a 'per frame' mode to the spawn operator
- The Birth Burst operator can now save per-burst groups/properties
- Adds 'Current Value' options to the Custom Properties operator
- Fixes a crash in the Cloth Bind operator if the input mesh has invalid texture vert indices
- Fixes an issue with Cloth Bind constraints not getting a proper ID if the cloth ID was set to 0
- Delete operators now show timing info in the editor (reversion of previous removal)
- Fixes the Surface Test occlusion test saving numRays instead of numHits in custom data channels
- Fixes a regression which could cause the PhysX Bind operator to crash
- Fixes a bug when converting multiple particles into tets in the same time step
- Fixes the Particle Bind operator 'random' break mode from not actually being random
- Fixes Export Particles additional geo not exporting in the correct coordinate system
- Fixes the Custom Properties operator 'Channel (Target)' option displaying the wrong text

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v1.3.4b are:
- Adds support for network licenses
- Fixes slow processing of instances
- Fixes slow processing of direct lighting
- Fixes sampling artifacts with portals

FStormRender is available for Max 2014 to 2020 and costs €20 per month. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Rendering

Changes for v3.2.57 are:
- Updates to Arnold
- Exposes the shader_override node for overriding all of the scene's shaders
- Adds an option to have no background
- The binary ass checkbox can now be set by script
- The Include Graph Operator no longer crashes Max
- Fixes baking crashes with .ass export enabled
- Utility operators are no longer converted into Merge operators when imported
- AOV type names are now correct

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.1 are:
- Adds Levelset CSG functionality
- Adds Levelset morph functionality
- Adds a texture map function
- Adds a median filter
- Increases the limit of filter iterations
- Fixes UI refresh timing

Aq Mesher is available for Max 2015 to 2020 and costs $275. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Animation

Changes for v1.1 are:
- Adds collision groups
- Adds local gravity controls for Dynamic Object Lists
- Adds an AqBullet utility

Aq Bullet is available for Max 2015 to 2020 and costs $275. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v1.1.0 beta are:
- Adds support for Max 2020
- Implements object and camera transformation motion blur
- Adds Cryptomatte Material and Cryptomatte Object AOVs
- Adds Position, Screen-Space Velocity and Pixel Time AOVs
- Adds Assemblies, Objects, World-Space and Screen-Space Velocity shading overrides
- Adds material overrides with options to exclude emissive and transparent materials
- Adds asAscCdl, asInvertColor and asBump OSL shaders
- Exposes the Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping (SPPM) lighting engine
- Adds a Photon Target option to the appleseed Object Properties modifier
- Adds Sampling Pattern Seed and Vary Sampling Pattern per Frame controls
- Adds an Importance Sampling checkbox to the Lighting panel
- Improves default Adaptive Tile Sampler settings
- Adds support for Angle U/V and Offset U/V controls in the Bitmap map
- Adds support for Real-World Scale control in the Bitmap map
- Adds support for smooth vertex tangents and explicit normals to mesh export
- Enables project export in *.appleseedz (single file, compressed) format
- Limits the thread count in ActiveShade rendering mode
- Changes the default background alpha from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
- Skips export of lights with zero intensity
- Adds an Open Log on Warning option
- Improves error reporting during plugin initialization
- Fixes a bug that occasionally caused one or several tiles to appear black
- Fixes environment rotation issues
- Fixes the effect of the Sun size multiplier parameter
- Fixes the asAnisotropyVectorField shader not showing up in the material editor
- Fixes the asAttributes shader not showing up in the material editor
- Fixes a bug causing artifacts when using anisotropy with the asMetal shader
- Makes sure that log messages are always properly ordered
- Rendering no longer aborts when the scene contains unrecognized lights
- Drops support for Max 2016
- Removes the Regions shading override

New Plugin: Modelling

Framer is a topology-based frame modelling modifier for editable poly objects, a procedural tool for creating frame-like structures. It is useful for creating facades, structures, grids, furniture, patterns and more. It comes with a number of adjustable elements and filtering options, parameter randomization options and a Material ID setup for each element. It also has a 'Unify Flow' option to arrange frames so they are always guided correctly, and a 'Random Clone' option to clone objects with a unique random seed for each copy.

Framer Modifier is available for Max 2018 to 2020 and costs $9.99.

Plugin Update: Utilities

Changes for v2.97.02 are:
- Adds support for ArchVision RPC
- Adds the ability to drag files to the Command panel in Max 2018+
- Adds the ability to use the Spacebar for viewing previews in a separate window
- Fixes a bug after assigning an IES file to a light by dragging it to the Command panel
- Fixes an issue with clearing paths in an exported model when using 'Save selection to file'
- Fixes an issue displaying the maximized plugin window on some monitors
- Fixes an issue with preview generation for some image formats like IFL
- Fixes an issue when refreshing the listview using the F5 key
- Fixes an issue with removing files that depend on main
- Fixes some minor issues with the interface

Project Manager is available for Max 2014 to 2020 and costs $75. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v1.3.4 are:
- Optimizes portals and environment direct lighting
- Adds an FStorm bitmap texture transform input (from another texture)
- Adds an FStorm random color input slot
- Adds right click pixel info

FStormRender is available for Max 2014 to 2020 and costs €20 per month. A demo version is available here.

New Plugin: Modelling

Scalpel allows you to interactively subdivide (cut up) editable poly geometry by drawing lines. When you make a cut, it has to originate from a vertex or an edge. It comes with a number of snap options to improve accuracy.

miauu's Scalpel is available for Max 2017 to 2020 and costs €9.

Plugin Update: Renderers

Changes for v2.6.46 are:
- Fixes a crash in Max when using the Ornatrix Mesh From Strands modifier
- Fixes a Maya bug which could cancel renders from the Maya Render View or batch renders
- Katana now extracts AOV layer names from the RenderOutputDefine nodes 'outputName' parameter
- Adds a new 'light_group' parameter to the RenderOutputDefine node in Katana
- Adds an 'Auto' light_group mode in Katana to replicate the old behavior
- Improves the macOS installer for C4D so you can select the install folders
- Fixes a C4D bug in the AOV Manager where the attribute panel could expand excessively
- Fixes a RenderView issue when loading snapshots

Redshift is available for Max 2013 to 2020 and costs $500. A demo version is available here.

Plugin Update: Modelling

Changes for v1.43 are:
- Adds new parameters for tunnel fill blocks that can act as doors or entities
- Fixes a bug when Hide Internal Faces is turned on at the same time as Delete Internal Faces
- Fixes Face Selection functions not working when Delete Internal Faces is on

Arch Primitive is available for Max 2008 to 2020 and costs $10.

Plugin Update: Texturing

Changes for v2.4.3 are:
- Fixes a bug where attempting to Save, Update or Delete a preset would crash the plugin

Advanced UV Normalizer is available for Max 2010 to 2020 and costs $45. A demo version is available here.